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Daniil Hikkamorii

Daniil Hikkamorii

Your local neighbour オタク🔰, software developer🧑🏻‍💻 and data hoarder💿.

Here, I usually document things I was working on, my new colection items, or general rumblings à la “Windows bad”

If you want to read more go to about section.


Latvian License Plates
·1093 words·6 mins
Cars Documentation
Documenting license plates used in Latvia, and their different variants.
Remilia: My cheap little home server
·1381 words·7 mins
Blog Computers Linux Homeserver
For a long time I’ve really wanted to have a proper server for redundant storage of my precious media, serving said media, and also doing some additional services that I don’t want to rely on third parties for.
Welcome. Again...
·72 words·1 min General Story
I’ve finally created this journal!